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試堂申請 / 黃埔校舍


Member Application form


Well Received. Please go to campus and settle the payment to active the membership. 



  1. 學生於報讀本中心之課程前,必須成為小太陽會員,一年會費為$60。

  2. 學員報名後, 本中心恕不接受任何理由之轉帳或退款申請,已繳費用恕不退還。

  3. 所有參加者須遵從中心職員及導師的指示進行活動,任何未經本會同意的行為,因而導致在活動中有任何意外或受傷,本中心概不負責。

  4. 小太陽會員、家長及監護人不可使用博藝會設施及停留於博藝會。一經發現,本會職員有權立即要求其學員及家長離開會所及有權追回已使用本會設施之費用。

  5. 為免影響課程進度,本中心恕不接受任何事假申請。

  6. 除康體課程外(包括泳班,羽毛球,乒乓球,基本體操班等),本中心於公眾假期無須上課,康體課程方面,農曆大除夕,年初一至三全日,端午節,中秋節,聖誕節當日下午五時或之後均列為假期。

  7. 本中心設有病假申請,學員病假申請每個課程每月只限一次,申請病假者須於7天內附上醫生證明,並由本中心安排於下月繳費時扣除。而月費課程、游泳課程、體操課程則將由本中心安排補堂,逾期恕不受理。

  8. 本中心課程均為連續性課程,學員如欲於下月繼續上課,必須於每月23號或之前繳付下月學費,以保留其學額。

  9. 如天文台已宣佈將於兩小時後發出八號颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告時,或已發出以上警告,所有中心的活動和課程將會取消,並由本中心安排補堂。

  10. 本中心於天文台除下八號颱風訊號或黑色暴雨三小時後恢復上課,各家長請自行安排貴子弟上課,本中心將不會另行通知。若上述警告於下午三時後除下,當日所有課程將取消,由本中心另行安排補課。


  1. 已報讀游泳課程之學員於上課前需要帶毛巾、拖鞋、泳衣、泳鏡、泳帽。

  2. 為保障泳池之清潔及衛生,家長進入泳池範圍時必須換上適合鞋套。如有違者,本會所職員有權邀請家長離開泳池。

  3. 泳池範圍內,均不得使用及操作任何攝影機、攝錄機等器材;包括手提電話。

  4. 年滿5歲或身高1米以上之兒童,不可進入異性更衣室及洗手間。



  1. One year of the SCEC membership fee $60 should be paid before join our courses.

  2. Refund or transfer of course fee will not be entertained unless the course cannot be held as scheduled.

  3. Participants must follow the rules and regulations of SCEC and the instruction of tutors during the course. Otherwise SCEC will not be liable for all injuries or losses occurred.

  4. SCEC members, parents or guardians are not allowed to stay in Spotlight Recreation Club and use its facilities. Our staffs reserve the right to ask those persons involved to leave the club and reimburse all cost of using those facilities.

  5. In order not to affect the progress of classes, SCEC will not accept any causal leave application.

  6. No lesson will be held on public holidays, except sports classes including Swimming, Badminton, Table-tennis and Gymnastics. The sports classes will only be suspended on the Chinese New Year Eve,1 st,2 nd and 3 rd of the Chinese New Year and after 5pm on the day of Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Christmas.

  7. Sick leave application will only be entertained once a month, provided that SCEC has been informed before the lesson starts and a doctor’s certificate should be submitted within 7 days. No substitute lesson will be arranged for sick leave, however, the course fee involved will be brought forward to next month. Substitute lessons will only be arranged for monthly payment classes, swimming classes & Gymnastics classes.

  8. All courses are conducted continuously. Participants should pay the course fees on or before 23 rd of each month to reserve the seats for next month.

  9. If typhoon Signal No 8 or Black Rainstorm Signal will be hoisted within 2 hours as announced by the Hong Kong Observatory, all lessons on that day will be cancelled. Course fees involved will be brought forward to next month.

  10. If typhoon Signal No 8 or Black Rainstorm Signal is cancelled, all courses will resume as scheduled within 3 hours. But if the signal is canceled after 3.00pm, no lesson will be arranged.


Rules and regulation ( Swimming course Only)

  1. Participant need to bring their own towels, slippers, goggles, swimwear, swimming cap before the swimming lesson.

  2. In order to keep the facility clean and sanitary, parents or guardians required to wear the shoes cover before enter to the swimming pool area.

  3. Photo / video shooting (included mobile phone photo / video shooting function) are not allowed to operate in the swimming pool area.

  4. Children over 1 meter height or aged 5 or above should not enter the changing room and washroom of the opposite gender.​

*SCEC reserve the right to amend the above terms and conditions from time to time.


地址: 九龍灣德福花園平台P13-P14

電話  / Whatsapp: 2993 6668

星期一 休息

星期二至五 1030-1800

星期六 1000-1800

星期日 1030-1700







地址: 九龍黃埔花園螢幕圈4M樓

電話: 2156 1103

星期一 休息

星期二至五 1000-1900

星期六 0900-1800

星期日 0900-1300





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